Sunday, March 27, 2011

Snowshoeing with Bruno on Our Property

My wife Christine, our 1.5+ year old GSP Bella, Bruno, and I love to snowshoe together on our property and throughout remote northern Michigan wilderness areas. We regularly snowshoe from 2-4 times a week and love the invigorating fresh air and exercise we get from this outdoor activity. We use traditional 10x36 inch Iverson snowshoes made with white ash from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. We used these very same snowshoes 15 years ago on one of our first dates before we got married, and I'm very happy to write that both the Iversons and our marriage have held up magnificently with only a nick or scratch here and there along the way.

Seek adventure in life. Live and explore. Have you lived 10,000 uniquely different days or the same day 10,000 times? I love to live, and I live to love.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

They're Back! Woodcock Banding, Spring 2011

Hey, Birdhunters--the woodcock are back to northern Michigan! Last night while taking my GSPs Bruno and Bella out to perform their bedtime duties, I heard two woodcock males call out from the aspen stands on our property. That's March 17--the earliest I've ever heard them return to NW Lower Michigan. What joyous music to my ears that was! Stay tuned for new blog posts, photos, and videos of Bruno's woodcock-banding adventures later and throughout this spring!