Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Video--Woodcock Banding, Spring 2010

My wife and camera/videowoman Christine, my GSP Bruno, and I went woodcock banding in Presque Isle County in NE Lower Michigan for only one hour this morning. Our banding adventure this warm, bright, beautiful, sunny morning was shortened due to a severely torn claw and pad that Bruno sustained to his front right paw. His injury required a visit to veterinarian Walter Bungard at the Atlanta Veterinary Clinic and a few days rest for recovery. The doc fixed Bruno up fine. But during that single hour aforest, we encountered one adult woodcock (likely a male) with no chicks and a woodcock hen and her brood of three flying fledglings. With the assistance of a tag alder branch that blocked the fledgling's attempted escape flight, I was fortunate to safely net the last of the fleeing hen's flying brood of three chicks (the second time I've had such an experience capturing a flying woodcock chick, the first time being in spring 2009 about one mile from our present banding site). Enjoy the video, which tells the rest of the story.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Video--Woodcock Banding, Spring 2010

In this photo my GSP Bruno is pointing a woodcock hen in Presque Isle County in NE Lower Michigan. I captured and banded the hen's two chicks, whose bills each measured 26 mm on May 10, 2010. The chicks'average bill length indicates that they are six days old here in this photo.

The very next day, Bruno and I encountered the same hen and chicks more than a quarter mile away from this location where we captured and banded them today. This video shows Bruno's long, staunch points as we search to discover their hiding spot.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Woodcock Banding, Spring 2010

I took this photo of my GSP Bruno from his perspective pointing a nesting woodcock hen that was located approximately seven yards from the tip of his nose. Click on the photo to expand the view.

Site: NE Lower Michigan, Presque Isle County